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Your Guide to Legacy Building

There are many ways to create a legacy that reflects your values. Your gift to Oikocredit US will support our impact in low-income communities. Planned gifts provide smart and flexible “win-win” opportunities for Oikocredit US supporters. These gifts sustain our work and strategic growth, while also providing you and your estate with maximum tax benefits, and even retirement income, if you choose.

Learn How to Build Your Legacy Today

Gifts That Cost you

Nothing Now

Gifts That Reduce Your Taxes Now

Gifts That Make an

Impact Now

Contact Us To Learn More

Legacy Gifts That Cost You Nothing in Your Lifetime

Gifts Cost Nothing Now

Gifts in Your Will

A gift in your will is one of the easiest ways to create your legacy of improving living conditions in low-income communities in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Giving in this way costs you nothing now!*

No Cost

Costs you nothing
now to give in this way.


You can alter your gift or change your mind at any time and for any reason.

Lasting Impact
Your gift will create your
legacy of a more just world.


Simple Gifts You Can Give In Your Will

No need to specify where the stated sum comes from. You may also consider a residual gift after all other expenses have been paid for.

Make a pledge to leave a specific dollar amount or percentage, or specific items such as collections, art, books, jewelry, vehicles, etc.

Make a pledge to leave a specific gift only if a spouse or other beneficiary does not live longer than you.


Legacy Gifts That Reduce Your Taxes During Your Lifetime

Gifts That Reduce Taxes

You can support a global, just society while potentially receiving tax benefits for yourself.
If you are interested in gifts that can reduce your taxes during your lifetime, consider a
Charitable Remainder Trust or an IRA Charitable Rollover.


Charitable Remainder Trust

Receive income for life for you and your family while reducing your taxes and making a difference in low-income communities. By using assets or cash to fund the trust, you benefit from income and an income tax credit in the year in which you transfer your assets. The remaining portion of the trust, after all payments have been made, funds the work of Oikocredit US.


IRA Charitable Rollover

Did you know you can make a tax-free donation directly from your IRA? An IRS provision allows retirees age 70 1/2 years and older to donate up
to $100,000 tax-free from their IRA each year to a qualified charity, such as Oikocredit US.


Gifts That Make an Impact Now

Make Imact Now

Looking to donate a specific gift such as a vehicle, valuable collection, jewelry, or art? This gift option is a great way to clear up some space at your home while also making an impact in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. You may also benefit from a charitable tax credit in the process.


You can use stocks, bonds, and mutual funds that have appreciated in value to make a difference in low-income communities. You may receive a charitable income tax deduction for the full market value of the stock (up to a maximum of 30% of your adjusted gross income) and may not need to pay capital gains tax on any increase in the value of the stock.


You can donate appreciated real estate, such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, or commercial property. Donating in this way is an easy and effective way to reduce your taxes and protect your assets while building your legacy of impact investing. During your lifetime, you can choose
to continue using the property while potentially
receiving a tax deduction. 

Have Questions? We're Here to Help!

Contact Us

Matt Eldridge - CEO

With so many ways to give, we know you might have questions. We’re happy to offer answers or more information. Matt Eldridge, our CEO, is available to discuss any of the options outlined on this page. 

(405) 202-5138

*This page is intended for informational purposes only and does not represent legal or financial counsel. Please consult your personal attorney, financial advisor, estate planning professional, accountant or other appropriate professional to design a giving strategy to meet your goals and to implement an estate gift to Oikocredit US.

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