On Monday, November 16, Oikocredit US and Oikocredit Canada, in partnership with Oikocredit International, hosted a free, one-hour live webinar featuring two spectacular photojournalists who have had a remarkable opportunity to witness Oikocredit's impact around the world over the past decade: Wim and Pauline Opmeer.
For an online audience of Oikocredit stakeholders around North America -- from Toronto to Tucson, and from Washington State to Washington, D.C. -- as well as other supporters joining from Ireland and France, the Opmeers presented a compelling selection of photos and commentary on the outcomes of Oikocredit's work in the field. They then responded to questions from our audience, and shared particular stories and anecdotes from their unique, firsthand experiences in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
In case you missed it, we are happy to share a recording of the webinar that you can view anytime, no matter the time zone where you live. Just visit this page for a link to the video: oikocreditus.org/opmeers-recording
We hope you'll enjoy this webinar, which is made possible through the generous support of donors like you. To help us raise awareness of the need for impact investing and efforts to improve living conditions among low-income communities in the Global South, please consider making a gift to Oikocredit US. Donate today to help us make more programs like this possible: oikocreditus.org/donate.